Years ago I heard a story that has always stuck with me. It goes something like this:
There were two aspiring writers who were working as waitresses at the same restaurant. One of the women was always complaining about her job and talking about how what she really wanted to do was to be writing. She went home tired every night with no energy to write and could see no end to her miserable cycle in sight.
The other woman talked to all of her customers and often jotted down notes about conversations she had and ideas that the experiences of her customers inspired. Every night she went home excited and with new ideas and materials for her writing.
In my life right now, I'm asking myself which waitress I am more like. I know I want to be more like the waitress who goes home excited and inspired.
Tonight, I was showing some friends some of the projects I've been woking on (a scarf for my brother, and cards to sell on Etsy) and one friend said, "how do you find the time!?" and another said, "I know how, she doesn't waste any time, she sits in the back of class and knits."
While I do waste plenty of time, I think this exchange is a good indicator that I'm at least trending towards the happy waitress approach to life – I'm working hard to make some of my dreams come true. I'm striving to find things to be positive about and motivated by. And, overall, I think it's working!