I went to a 109th Annual Christmas Carol Concert a couple weeks ago. There was a great rendition of "I Wonder As I Wander" sung that got me thinking.
The last line is what has been on my mind most.
How often do we look at hard things in our life and think, "I would never have chosen this!" And yet, Jesus as the Son of God choose to come to earth born in a stable and go through all life brought Him, which included some really tough stuff.
I really believe, knowing what we knew before this life, that we would have chosen the hard things in our life.
I am grateful for the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ to remind me that we can have hope. That there is more than this life. That hard things help bring us closer to where we want to be.
I wonder as I wander out under the sky,
How Jesus the Savior did come for to die.
For poor on'ry people like you and like I...
I wonder as I wander out under the sky.
If Jesus had wanted for any wee thing,
A star in the sky, or a bird on the wing,
Or all of God's angels in heav'n for to sing,
He surely could have it, 'cause he was the King.
The last line is what has been on my mind most.
How often do we look at hard things in our life and think, "I would never have chosen this!" And yet, Jesus as the Son of God choose to come to earth born in a stable and go through all life brought Him, which included some really tough stuff.
I really believe, knowing what we knew before this life, that we would have chosen the hard things in our life.
I am grateful for the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ to remind me that we can have hope. That there is more than this life. That hard things help bring us closer to where we want to be.