Saturday, October 13, 2018

Reflecting the Light of Christ

Spending time in nature is always restorative to my soul.

It is also a place where insights seem to flow more freely. Sometimes directly to me, other times through those I am with.

On a recent weekend trip to New Hampshire, I heard an analogy that really resonates with me, so I want to share it with a wider audience.

At the campground, there was a peaceful lake that reflected the beauty of the surrounding area all day long. 

In the evening I went down with a friend to take pictures of the sunset. It was stunning.

Nearby, a father and his daughter were enjoying the grandeur as well. This little girl had eyes to see (see 2 Kings 6:17 and Ezekiel 12:2). She commented that the lake was beautifully reflecting the perfection of the light from the sunset.

In our church services the next morning, the father recounted the experience with his daughter, and posed a question that pierced my heart:

“Do I reflect the light of Christ in the same way a lake reflects a sunset?”

The reflection in the lake wasn’t perfect. There were ripples and imperfections on its surface. But the reflected light and color were still magnificent.

God’s love is like that sunset. Perfect, breathtaking, awe-inspiring.

We are like that lake. Full of ripples and imperfect inconsistencies.

The ripples and imperfections in our lives do not diminish the light of Christ. Others still see His light and can feel His love as we seek to reflect it to those around us.

And that reflection is still beautiful.