Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Song Lyrics, Day 6

I went to a 109th  Annual Christmas Carol Concert a couple weeks ago. There was a great rendition of "I Wonder As I Wander" sung that got me thinking.

I wonder as I wander out under the sky,
How Jesus the Savior did come for to die.
For poor on'ry people like you and like I...
I wonder as I wander out under the sky.
If Jesus had wanted for any wee thing,
A star in the sky, or a bird on the wing,
Or all of God's angels in heav'n for to sing,
He surely could have it, 'cause he was the King.

The last line is what has been on my mind most.

How often do we look at hard things in our life and think, "I would never have chosen this!" And yet, Jesus as the Son of God choose to come to earth born in a stable and go through all life brought Him, which included some really tough stuff.

I really believe, knowing what we knew before this life, that we would have chosen the hard things in our life.

I am grateful for the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ to remind me that we can have hope. That there is more than this life. That hard things help bring us closer to where we want to be.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Christmas Song Lyrics, Day 5

Today I went to Church with my brother in Arizona. One of the speakers in Sacrament Meeting sang the song "Mary Did You Know" so I've been thinking about it all day.

I don't think Mary did fully know - how could she? Do any of us fully understand what we are getting into? It is only when looking back that we have the perspective necessary to understand.

Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you'
Mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
When you kiss your little baby, you kiss the face of God
The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will live again
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak, the praises of the lamb
I'm so grateful for Mary and Joseph - being willing to raise the Son of God. I'm grateful for all the things the Savior did during His lifetime. And I'm especially grateful for His Atonement and all that it has made possible for me and all of God's children throughout all time.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Christmas Song Lyrics, Day 4

Appropriately, I’m writing this as a passenger in my brother’s car.

“I’m driving home for Christmas
Oh, I can’t wait to see those faces.

It’s going to take some time
But I’ll get there

Driving in my car
I’m driving home for Christmas
With a thousand memories

I take a look at the driver next to me
He’s just the same
Just the same”

This year, we are driving down to my brother’s house to have Christmas with him and his wife and their four children. So, while I’m not technically driving “home” it feels like it.

“Home” is defined as the place where my heart is full – where I’m surrounded by people I love.
In that light, the other lyrics that fit:

“I’ll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams”

Most of the time I’m flying home for Christmas. But in 2012 my brothers and I decided to meet up in California and have an epic sibling (plus sister-in-law and her friends and their baby) road trip through California on our way to our parents house. It was epic. And it created at least a thousand new memories that I love looking back on.

Driving on our road trip, I also loved to “take a look at the driver next to me” – so often smiles were exchanged and good will was felt. And the reminder that “He’s just the same” is beautiful.

Goal of the day: See those around me as the same as me – open my heart and not focus only on me.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Christmas Song Lyrics, Day 3

Driving with my dad I heard this song on the radio for the first time yesterday.

I had to look it up, and knew I had to write about it:

Feel the majesty of what He came to be

See the beauty of the children He adores
Feel Him hold you when you stand at sorrow’s door
Hear Him whispering what He knows you’ll be
This is peace on earth; this is peace on earth to me

I’m not saying that we don’t have a long ways to go
To worldwide brotherhood that binds us here below
But look at all the heaven here that hints at what’s above
Look at all the simple things we change with love

Feel the smile that comes when a good friend thinks to call
Hear “I love you” when it echoes in your halls
And wonder just how much more blessed your life could be
This is peace on earth; this is peace on earth to me

-Peace on Earth to Me, by Cherie Call


There are so many times when I see we (me, this world) "have a long ways to go" and I wish that we could already be at "worldwide brotherhood". Hearing this song reminded me of all that this world has that is good, "the heaven here that hints at what's above" and the "simple things we change with love".

Concrete reminders of things I can do to make a difference are always helpful and inspiring to me. I can be a friend who calls (or sends a text or a video message). I can say "I love you" in word and in deed. I can seek to better know my Savior and treat those around me as He would.

That is my commitment based on today's song: Be more like my Savior - spread love and grace.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Christmas Music Lyrics, Day 2

In order to get this in before today is over (where does time go?!?) I'll let the lyrics speak for themselves:

A song of forgiveness, comforting peace
A time to remember what life really means
The important things
I guess it’s Christmas
And we’ll all join hands to celebrate the goodness
That shines inside of everyone
Open our hearts so we can open our arms


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas Music Lyrics, Day 1

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Song lyrics are often very powerful to me. They capture my feelings and thoughts in ways that are profound.
This is perhaps especially true at Christmas time:
“As we prepare for Christmas, shopping and decorating fill our days, while parties and renewing old friendships bring us excitement.
But always in the background—in the malls, in stores, on the radio and in churches—being sung by choices, children, and carolers is the music that serves to remind us of the reason for the season. 
Christmas songs are one of the oldest traditions of the holiday, and these memorable sounds help recapture the true spirit of Christmas."
-The Sounds of Christmas, by Pam Griffin
Between now and Christmas I want to highlight some words from Christmas songs that speak to my soul.
Day one:
A few years ago I went to see First Date on Broadway (speaking of lyrics that speak to my soul!) and I purchased their Carols for the Cure CD that year. The cast from Matilda sings a song that I love:
“Bring a little joy into the world
For those who don’t have any
Give a little smile to a boy or girl –
It doesn’t cost a penny
Make some time to play for the Holiday
We could all use plenty
Bring a little joy into the world”

There are so many things that don’t cost a penny that can brighten people’s lives. I love this truth.
In addition to that principle, I also love this additional line later in the song:

“Grumpy people need joy, too
Bring a little joy into the world
If you turn no into maybe
Don’t let your heart get lazy.”

It is easy to share with those we love, with those who are kind and grateful. But it is equally rewarding, and perhaps more impactful, when we are willing and able to share love and kindness with those who  are “grumpy” or when it is harder to do so.
Goal based on these lyrics: Don’t let my heart get lazy!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

“I Can Help You”

“I can help you,” the cashier said, looking up as I walked into the bank.

And he did.

That moment of exchanged smiles and assistance in my busy day faded as I got bogged down in all that followed.

Coming home late that night it was dark and cold. My heart was heavy. I angled my bike as I must to be able to open the first door into my building. I put the key in, then found myself remembering another forgotten moment of assistance.

“Here, let me help you,” Jenn said, jumping out of her car.
You’ve already helped me so much just by driving me home and listening to me! I wanted to say.

“I don’t know how you do this by yourself all the time,” she exclaimed as, together, we unlocked the doors and brought my bike into the building.

I smiled and laughed, thanked her, and then we parted ways.

Pushing my bike down the hallway, I contemplated how we manage to find a way to make things work when we have to. But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be better if we had help.

Lost in thought, I didn’t notice the woman inside my building until she was opening the second door for me, offering assistance in my moment of need. “Thank you!” I told her with a big smile.

She smiled back. We wished each other “Have a good night”’s and parted richer for the brief interaction.

I needed those reminders of the value and impact of little things.

Lately, I’ve been focusing on a desire to do BIG things. Or, perhaps more accurately, a fear that the things I am doing are not important or impactful enough.

Little things definitely add up. There may be BIG things that I can do now, or work towards in the future. But, I want to be more aware of and attentive to the chance to open a door to someone who could use an extra hand in that moment, or the chance to do what I do on a regular basis (like the cashier at the bank) that enables me to help others move forward on their journey.