Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Focus on the soda not the can

If you said I had a slight obsession with Andy Grammer I wouldn't contradict you. I am a sucker for thought provoking lyrics and catchy tunes. I think Andy Grammer does both well.

In his song "Numbers" he talks about our tendency to focus on outward appearance
Only talk to people who we think we might be kissin'
That's a lot of ideas to be dismissing
And the tragedy behind thinking about people in terms of their outward appearance
The value of personality seems to be dead
He doesn't claim to not fall into this trap - admitting that his "calculators' way over used" both in how he thinks about himself and in how he views those around him.

The thing that really caught my attention is his final line:
I need a formula or some sort of plan to focus on the soda not the can
I've heard that concept before:
. . . the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7
The analogy of the soda and the can is a great one - really, it doesn't matter what packaging something is in, it doesn't change the properties of what is inside. I also really like the idea that we can create a new formula or a plan for our self making it easier to get to the heart rather than staying caught up by the can.

1 comment:

Cara said...

Great insight. Thanks for sharing!