Sunday, May 6, 2018

Lending Talents or Efforts

This morning I made time to go to my church choir rehearsal. Singing with a group is something I enjoy doing. It allows me to be a part of something bigger than myself. And, truthfully, it allows me to rely on and often hide behind the other voices present. That is a place I feel comfortable.

Plus, I was asked to speak in church next week and figured if I might have to follow a beautiful musical number, I may as well join it. 

When I arrived, two minutes early, there were only three other people in the room. When it was time to begin, there was one more person, but I was the only second alto there. I was reminded how limited my skills and confidence, are immediately when we started by working on my part. 

You mean you want me to sing alone? With people listening?

Where is my bushel to hide under when I need it?

I survived. And was incredibly grateful when more people trickled in and when we started singing with accompaniment. 

We ended the rehearsal with a closing prayer. The choir member offering the prayer, who has one of the best voices in the group, prayed in gratitude for those who lent their talents and efforts.

He lent his talents

I lent my effort 

Sometimes a little is all we can give. But often a little from a lot of people is enough.

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