Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Seeking for Zion

On the train yesterday, I looked up to see a large tattoo on the arm of the man across from me that caught my eye. 

There are lots of large tattoos out there, but I hadn't seen one quite like this – in scrolled lettering, his forearm proudly proclaimed "Seeking for Zion"

I had to smile, and I wanted to take a picture, or talk to him, and am kicking myself that I did neither. But it did get me thinking, and reading a bit thanks to his willingness to publicly declare his intentions.

What does that mean to me, seeking Zion? And am I really doing it?

The Pearl of Great Price teaches us that "the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them" (see Moses 7:18)

And in the Doctrine and Covenants 97:21 the Lord teaches that Zion is the pure in heart.

Seems like if I want to seek Zion, then I need to work on my heart. And it sure is far from pure right now.  But I can work on that!

Also seems I could do a better job at being bold and upfront about my desire to better serve God and my fellowmen. Maybe not with a tattoo, but certainly in the way I treat those around me at all times.