Saturday, April 28, 2012

Pretend It's You

Whoopi Goldberg taught me a new way to think about an old topic - The Golden Rule.

In a book of hers I just read that was basically a collection of her social commentary on things that annoy her (from drunk driving to bullying to talking in a movie theater) she often repeated the phrase "pretend it's you".

I love that thought.

Pretend it is you:
- who will be coming into the airplane bathroom next
- who is trying to get on (or off) the train (or elevator or bus)
- when you are tempted to say something mean or demeaning to someone else
- when you comment on someones appearance

This thought gives me a way to operationalize the goal to "do unto others as you would have others to unto you"

Any other ideas of when you should "pretend it's you"?

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