Monday, May 11, 2020

Speaks to My Soul Series: Tear Up This Town

Sometimes I don’t really know why I relate to a song so much.

But this line:

I need an answer but I'm always one step behind

That feels more real and relatable than I want it to.

I was talking to one of my friends about starting over. She’s looking for jobs and is casting a wide net. But the reality of moving somewhere where you don’t know anyone to start a new job, alone – it’s daunting.

I need a friend but a friend is so hard to find

Why? Why is it so hard to find a friend?

Here’s one of the reasons:

'Cause it takes time

To be fair, the song goes on to say:

'Cause it takes time
Learning to fly

Yes, learning to fly takes time. But the more I’ve thought about this, the more I realize it is true for most things. They take time.

And we’ll feel differently about it from day to day. Some days we’ll be able to push forward, other days we’ll hang back:

Some days I rage like a fire in the wilderness
Some days I only need the darkness and a place to rest

But I think the unwritten truth here is that if we are willing to put in the time – to not give up before things come together – we’ll be able to do it. Whatever it is: learn to fly, make a friend, find our answer.

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