Saturday, October 10, 2020

Likening Scriptures: Work, the Verb

Something I love about my religion is how applicable it is to my day to day life. And that we are encouraged to “liken all scriptures unto us” (1 Nephi 19:23).

As I’m seeking to build and grow a business, I decided to read all the references to the verb work in The Book of Mormon. I’ve just begun and already I feel I have learned so much.

Reading in 2 Nephi 5:15 it talks about how Nephi taught his people to do fine craftsmanship. They built buildings and created art and beauty in their community. They learned skills from someone who had already honed those skills.

For me this was a cool reminder both that there are incredible people who I can seek knowledge and skill from AND that I have skills and abilities that I can seek to share with others.

There is power in creating beauty, in being industrious, in expanding and enriching our minds - because we also improve the world and people around us in the process.

The last thing that I gleaned from that verse comes in the final phrase, “which were in great abundance.” In the scripture I believe it is specifically referring to ore, which was found in the land where they lived. For me today it is a reminder to find and use the resources I have. To use those materials or skills I have “in abundance”.

I’m grateful for the scriptures, and for a Heavenly Father who loves me enough to provide personal direction as I read from His words written and preserved by those who came before me. I’m grateful for continuing personal revelation and the chance to see God’s hand in my life and feel His love as I intentionally turn to Him.

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